Marigolds of Rowlands Castle is based in the heart of the village which is nestled amongst the South Downs. The company has grown from strength to strength and is expanding, without losing the personal touch. All of our staff are local and want to work in their own communities.
Meet us
Alex and Jasmine are local ladies and have lived in the area for a number of years.
Alex lives in the village with her young family. Her first cleaning business started in 1998, and Marigolds is the continuation of that. She loves nothing more than relaxing with her dogs on long country walks.
Jasmine has been working locally for many years. Marigolds was formed when Alex and Jasmine joined forces. Out of work Jasmine is a foodie; she spends her working hours dreaming up delicious meals.
Jasmine and Alex work with a number of people all of whom live locally.